SDF-400-100: SpectroCertified® Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Standard, Conc. 0.0400 wt%, 100ml
For applications where there is little need to acquire complete sets of standards for monitoring the sulfur content in mineral, diesel or residual oil, single-element sulfur SpectroStandard Sulfur Standards are available. Each standard is formulated in its respective matrix with Di-N-butyl sulfide and accompanied with appropriate SpectroCertification of Analysis. Supplied in 100 cc quantities in glass bottles unless stated otherwise.
Sulfur Single-Element Spectrostandard© Mineral Oil Matrix
Formulated with Di-N-butyl sulfide diluted to convenient concentration levels with mineral oil conforming to ASTM-D2622 and D4294. Supplied in glass bottles in 100 cc quantities per standard.
Sulfur Spectrostandard© Mineral Oil Sets; PPM Basics
Formulated with Di-N butyl sulfide diluted to concentration with mineral oil conforming to ASTM-D7039.
Sulfur Single-Element Spectrostandard© Synthetic Diesel Fuel Matrix
Formulated with Di-N-butyl sulfide concentrate diluted to convenient concentration levels with synthetic diesel fuel Oil. SDF7 conforms to ASTM-D4294 and SDF10 to ASTM D4294 and D2622 methods. Supplied in glass bottles in 100 cc quantities per standard.
Sulfur Single-Element Spectrostandard© Residual Oil Matrix
Formulated with Di-N-butyl sulfide concentrate diluted to convenient concentration levels with residual oil in conforming to ASTM-D2622 and D4294-98 methods. Supplied in glass bottles in 100 cc quantities per standard.
® SpectroCertified, SpectroStandard and Chemplex are registered trademarks of Chemplex Industries, Inc.
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